Place of Birth: Ankara
Date of Birth: 25.02.1964
Marital Status: Married and has two children
Primary School: Şahinbey Primary School, Ankara, 1970-1975
Secondary School: Kurtuluş Secondary School, Ankara, 1975-1978
High School : Kurtuluş High School, Ankara, 1978-1981
Faculty of Medicine: Ankara University, 1982-1988
(AUTF I graduated as the 6th semester)
Specialization Training:
SSK Ankara Hospital, Department of General Surgery, 1988-1990
AUTF Ear, Nose, Throat Diseases Department, 1990-1994
Military Service: Short term (October-November 1992)
Post Specialization:
Specialist in Kocaeli University ENT Department: 1994-1996
Associate Professor at Kocaeli University ENT Department: 1996-2000
Associate Professor at Kocaeli University ENT Department: 2000-2006
Professor at Kocaeli University ENT Department: 2006-
Professional Organizations of which he is a member:
Turkish Medical Association Kocaeli Medical Chamber
Turkish Otorhinolaryngology Association
Ankara Association of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery
Ankara Association of Otorhinolaryngology and Maxillofacial Surgery
Turkish Laryngology Association
Otolaryngeal Allergy Association
Kocaeli Cancer Society
Anatomy Research Association
Head and Neck Cancer surgery, Thyroid Surgery, Ear surgery, Endoscopic Sinus Surgery